Give a detailed account of Nano Technology in Health Care.

Nano Technology

  • Nanotechnology or nanotech in short is the technology that involves the manipulation of matter on atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scales, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers

Nano Technology in Health Care

  • Nanotechnology — the science of the extremely small — holds enormous potential for healthcare, from delivering drugs more effectively, diagnosing diseases more rapidly and sensitively, and delivering vaccines via aerosols and patches. 

New advances

  •  Useful in Diagnosis, prevention and Treatment. 
  • Nanotechnology will help in repairing damaged organs, diagnosis and treatment of cancer cells, and removal of obstruction in the brain and it can help in a better drug delivery system.
  • Nanotechnology can be used to develop ”signature protein” to treat cancer. 
  • Nano filters are able to remove the smallest of known viruses. 
  • The antimicrobial coating is another promising area for preventing diseases. 
  • Nanotechnology can help design certain drugs that are very difficult to manufacture because of structural constraints by using a controlled manufacturing system at the atomic and molecular levels.
  • Quantum dots: Nano-sized semiconductors that can be used as biosensors to find disease and which can be made to fluoresce. 
  • Fluorescent quantum dots can be tagged to antibodies that target cancerous cells or cells infected with tuberculosis (TB) or HIV
  • Nanocapsules: These are pods that encapsulate drugs, which ensures the drugs are released more slowly and steadily in the body
  • Buckyballs: spherical nanoparticles can carry more than one drug at a time. 

Other Uses of Nanotechnology in Health Care:

  • Nanotech detectors for heart attacks.
  • Nanochips to check plaque in arteries.
  • Nanocarriers for eye surgery, chemotherapy etc.
  • Diabetic pads for regulating blood sugar levels.
  • Nanoparticles for drug delivery to the brain for therapeutic treatment of neurological disorders.
  • Nanosponges are polymer nanoparticles coated with a red blood cell membrane and can be used for absorbing toxins and removing them from the bloodstream.
  • NanoFlares are used for the detection of cancer cells in the bloodstream.
  • Nanopores are used in making DNA sequencing more efficient.

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